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Back At It (Blogging, That Is)

A while back, I had my blog set up under  It was hosted on Microsoft’s Azure, and worked great.  However, with my busy schedule, I continued to ignore the warnings that Microsoft was going to be deprecating something with their support of WordPress (I don’t recall at this point exactly what it was).  Unfortunately, because I continued to ignore the warnings, I ended up losing all of the posts that I had from before.  I went into a blogging “funk” at that point, and never really got back into it.

I’ve finally managed to force myself to get WordPress set up on a new web host, and will be designing my own WordPress theme in the weeks ahead.  Ought to be an interesting challenge.  My plan is to watch a YouTube video series that I found discussing the process of doing this.  If I like the series, I’ll post a link to it here, as I like to credit great authors or producers for their work, and give them as much mindshare as possible.

I’ve been spending a lot of time working on improving my CSS skills as of late.  I’m no wizard, but certainly better for it.  I’ve been an expert in JavaScript and HTML for years, but like many developers, never completely “owned” CSS.  I’m working on changing that.  Regardless, my goal is to have a theme for my blog that is attractive, useable, performant, and unique.

At any rate, to anyone that followed me prior, my apologies for the loss of content.  I back up everything else in my digital life.  It just never occurred to me to back up my blog.  Hard lesson learned.  But welcome back!  I hope to start adding useful and insightful content in the weeks and months to come!

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